Gastric Sleeve

          Liver Reducing Diet Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery

          Preparing for gastric sleeve surgery involves several critical steps, and one of the most important is following a ...

          Preparing for gastric sleeve surgery involves several critical steps, and one of the most important is following a pre-operative liver reducing diet. This specialized diet is designed to shrink the liver, making the surgery safer and more effective. As a bariatric dietitian,  I aim to provide you with all the necessary information to understand and follow this essential pre-surgery step.

          What is a Pre-operative Liver Reducing Diet?


          A pre-operative liver reducing diet is a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet that helps to decrease the size of your liver. For individuals with obesity, the liver often enlarges and accumulates fat, which can make gastric sleeve surgery more challenging and increase the risk of complications. By reducing liver size, surgeons have better access to the stomach, facilitating a smoother and safer surgical procedure.

          Why is Liver Reduction Important Before Surgery?

          The liver sits on top of the stomach, and its size can impact the ease and safety of gastric sleeve surgery. An enlarged liver can obstruct the surgeon's view and access, increasing the risk of injury to the liver and surrounding organs. A smaller liver allows for a clearer view and more space to perform the surgery, reducing the risk of complications and improving surgical outcomes.

          Components of the Liver Reducing Diet

          A typical liver reducing diet includes:

          1. Low-Calorie Intake: Typically, the diet restricts caloric intake to around 800-1200 calories per day.
          2. High-Protein Foods: Protein helps maintain muscle mass while promoting fat loss. Sources include lean meats, fish, eggs, and protein shakes.
          3. Low-Carbohydrate Foods: Limiting carbohydrates helps reduce liver glycogen stores and associated water weight. Avoid bread, pasta, rice, and sugary foods.
          4. Healthy Fats: Include sources of healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, but in moderation.
          5. Plenty of Vegetables: Non-starchy vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, helping you feel full while providing essential nutrients.

          Sample Liver Reducing Diet Plan

          Here's a sample meal plan for a day on the liver reducing diet:

          • Breakfast: Protein shake with water or low-fat milk
          • Snack: A small portion of low-fat Greek yogurt or a boiled egg
          • Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with a large serving of mixed greens and a light vinaigrette
          • Snack: A handful of almonds or a piece of low-fat cheese
          • Dinner: Baked fish (such as salmon) with steamed broccoli and a side salad
          • Snack: A protein shake or a serving of cottage cheese

          Tips for Success on the Liver Reducing Diet


          1. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and help manage hunger.

          2. Plan Your Meals: Planning and preparing your meals in advance can help you stay on track and avoid temptations.

          3. Avoid Empty Calories: Steer clear of sugary drinks, snacks, and high-fat fast foods.

          4. Monitor Portion Sizes: Keep portion sizes in check to stay within your calorie limits.

          5. Stay Committed: Adhering to the diet strictly is crucial for shrinking your liver and ensuring a successful surgery.

          How Long Should You Follow the Diet?

          The duration of the liver reducing diet varies depending on your surgeon's recommendations and your specific needs. Typically, patients follow the diet for 1-2 weeks before surgery. Your healthcare team will provide you with specific guidelines tailored to your situation.


          1. American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. (2024). "Pre-operative Liver Reducing Diet Guidelines." Retrieved from ASMBS
          2. National Institutes of Health. (2023). "Importance of Pre-operative Diets for Bariatric Surgery." Retrieved from NIH
          3. Obesity Surgery. (2022). "Preoperative Weight Loss and Surgical Outcomes in Bariatric Surgery." Retrieved from Obesity Surgery Journal
          4. Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (2021). "Nutritional Strategies for Pre-bariatric Surgery Liver Reduction." Retrieved from JCN

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