Why Do Many Patients from New Zealand Come to Turkey for Medical Tourism?

          New Zealanders Are Choosing Turkey for Medical Treatment

          New Zealand is known for its picturesque landscapes and high quality of life, but when it comes to healthcare, many residents face challenges that drive them to seek medical treatment abroad. With its advanced healthcare system and affordable services, Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourists from New Zealand. We want to explore the reasons behind this trend, comparing the healthcare conditions, hospital infrastructure, and treatment costs between New Zealand and Turkey.

          Healthcare Conditions in New Zealand

          New Zealand's healthcare system is generally well-regarded, with a mix of public and private providers. However, the high cost of medical services and the long waiting times in public hospitals present significant issues. The country has a sufficient number of hospitals and health clinics, yet the availability of qualified medical personnel is limited. This shortage often leads to delays in receiving necessary treatments.
          Public hospitals are preferred by many due to the prohibitive costs associated with private healthcare. This preference results in overcrowded facilities and extended waiting periods for surgeries and specialized treatments. For instance, patients might wait for weeks or even months to see a specialist or to undergo elective procedures. The situation is further complicated by the limited availability of certain medical treatments and procedures within the country.

          Hospital Infrastructure

          While New Zealand boasts an adequate number of healthcare facilities, the distribution and quality of these services can vary significantly. Most private hospitals are concentrated in urban areas, leaving rural populations with fewer options. Additionally, the public healthcare system is under significant strain, impacting the quality of care patients receive. The sector is heavily controlled by the government, limiting the proliferation of private hospitals which could otherwise alleviate some of the demand for public services.
          In contrast, Turkey's healthcare system is highly developed and modern, with a substantial number of private hospitals that offer advanced medical treatments. These hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by experienced and well-trained medical professionals. The quality of care in Turkish private hospitals is often comparable to, or even exceeds, that found in Western countries, but at a fraction of the cost. This makes Turkey an attractive option for medical tourists seeking high-quality care without the prohibitive expense.

          Treatment and Bed Costs

          New Zealand is known for its high cost of living, and this extends to the healthcare sector. The prices for medical treatments are significantly higher than those in Turkey. For example, dental treatments in New Zealand are notoriously expensive. A single tooth filling can cost between 250-300 NZD (approximately 180-230 USD), excluding consultation fees and other related expenses. Similarly, visiting a specialist doctor can cost around 250 NZD, while a general practitioner charges between 75-120 NZD (about 50-100 USD). Hospital bed charges vary depending on the treatment but can range from 800-1000 NZD (approximately 620-780 USD) per day in public hospitals.
          In comparison, Turkey offers much more affordable healthcare services. The cost of treatments and hospital stays is significantly lower, making it an appealing destination for those seeking medical care. The lower costs do not compromise the quality of service, as Turkish hospitals are known for their high standards of care and use of advanced medical technology. Patients can expect to receive comprehensive care from highly skilled doctors, often at prices that are a fraction of those in New Zealand.

          New Zealanders Are Choosing Turkey for Cosmetic Treatments

          As NewMe, we are delighted to welcome many patients from New Zealand to our country and assist them through their treatment stages. Recently, a comment from one of our patients who underwent obesity surgery brought us immense joy as a team:

          “My experiece and care with new me was the best dcision I made and invested in for myself. Deniz my consultant made that possible through her clear and thorough communication every step of the way, I felt well informed and confident, she sent relevant videos on surgeon MD Ali Acar, background, history and expertise in his medical field of bariatrics.

          As a team of professionals and wrap around support they made me feel my needs were priority, I did not feel like I was a foreigner, I felt safe, inclusive and well cared for. Staff are genuine sincere caring and happy people.I cannot emphasize enough how New Me gave me back my life, a second time around,to get it rite to do it rite!I felt the new me emerge when I came out of the operating room so hopeful!! New me is the place for 2nd chances. First impressions of the clinic I could see they pride themselves on excellence, they are there to serve their community their patients, clients. They deserve my golden globe for executing precision work on my new body!!! Thankyou so much new me. I will not hesitate in refering your service with sincere enthusiasm! All the best in your future endeavours.”

          Read review

          The healthcare conditions in New Zealand, characterized by high costs and long waiting times, drive many residents to seek medical treatment abroad. With its advanced healthcare infrastructure, experienced medical professionals, and affordable services, Turkey has emerged as a popular destination for medical tourists. The significant cost savings, coupled with high-quality care, make Turkey an attractive option for New Zealanders facing medical challenges at home. By choosing to travel to Turkey for medical treatment, patients can receive timely, effective, and affordable care, significantly improving their health outcomes and overall quality of life.

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