What are Skin Tags?

          Skin Tags: Small, Harmless Skin Growths

          Skin tag, defined as a fibroepithelial polyp, acrochordon, or molluscum pendulum in medical language, is mainly seen in the areas where the skin folds, such as the neck and armpit groin, genital area, and eyelid, and rarely on the back and chest. Although genetic factors are thought to be influential in its formation, they can be seen in almost every age group; it mostly start to appear after the twenties. The number of moles seen equally in male and female genders may increase over time. The size of tags may differ from person to person, and these lesions can grow over time. Sometimes the flesh mole, smaller than a pinhead, can occasionally be the size of a walnut.

          Are Skin Tags Common?

          Approximately 25% of the adult population is thought to have tags. The mole, or in other words, the tag, formed due to the uneven development of the skin tissue, is different from the normal moles, defined as nevus in medicine. Flesh-me can be skin-colored, connected to the skin with a small connection point, or can be a different shade from the skin color.

          What Causes Skin Tags?

          Although different studies have been conducted on why moles occur, these studies are limited. However, in light of these studies, it can be said that the factors listed below play a role in the formation of skin tags:
          • Existence of meat me in family members,
          • Pregnancy,
          • Presence of insulin resistance or type-2 diabetes,
          • Being overweight,
          • Presence of human papilloma virus (HPV)

          How are Skin Tags Diagnosed?

          The surface of the tags, which should not be confused with a wart, is smooth, unlike a wart, and it is not contagious like a wart. This formation, which is completely harmless from a medical point of view, can cause itching and pain when damaged, primarily due to the friction created by the accessories or clothes worn on the skin surface. Sometimes, the person may injure the mole without realizing it, even when scratching himself. In more severe injuries, the intensity of pain may increase.

          Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish whether the formation on the skin is mine or a skin mole. Meat moles, usually small, are often confused with normal moles. The easiest way to understand whether a mole on the skin surface is a mole is the presence of a peduncle, or in other words, the stem or root of the formation under the skin. Unlike moles, skin moles have no roots or are almost non-existent. Meat has a thin stalk and is connected to the body by this thin stalk. Most flesh moles are smaller than 2mm, though some are a few cm. can reach size.

          Fleas are soft to the touch. These lesions, which may be round or asymmetrical, may be smooth or rarely wrinkled. Some moles are like threads, and some are shaped like a grain of rice. Meat moles, mostly skin-colored, can sometimes be darker than the skin due to hyperpigmentation. Flesh me can bend due to its natural structure. Due to this bending, blood flow may stop, and its color may turn black over time.

          When Should I Consider Skin Tag Removal?

          Skin tags should be taken. That does not need to be treated medically can be removed by more than one method if it is painful to the person or disturbs the person socially or aesthetically:
          • Cryotherapy: The mole can be reduced by freezing it with liquid nitrogen.
          • Electrosurgery: With devices using high-frequency electrical energy, moles can be removed by deliberately inflicting thermal damage to the tissue.
          • Ligation: With the procedure defined as strangulation with surgical thread, the mole can be reduced.
          • Surgery: Flesh can be removed by surgical intervention under local anesthesia.

          In addition to these, natural treatment methods for which there is no scientific study about their effectiveness can also be tried. Applying apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and tea tree oil on the pimples can reduce the moles.

          However, it is strictly not recommended to tear the tags, try to strangle them with a rope, cut them, or try to lower it with chemicals. Attempting to remove the mole in this way can lead to serious health problems such as bleeding, burns, and infection.

          Does Skin Tag Removal Hurt?

          Flesh-me surgery usually does not require anesthesia. However, local (regional) anesthesia can be applied to the person when large or multiple moles are to be removed. It is a painless treatment.

          What Can I Do to Prevent Future Skin Tags?

          The best method of preventing skin tags is to treat existing moles. For future skin tags, control your weight. If you have a genetic predisposition, you can do nothing for new skin tags. 

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